Instagram is one of my favourite forms of social media, put simply it is a collection of photographs that people share overtime on their account. It is like a snapshot of peoples lives through their photos that can be accompanied by words, quirky quotes, motivational words or funny sayings. Basically you snap a photo and then share it with your friends. Your account can be public which means anyone can see the images you share who looks you up, or private which means only people you allow to see them can see them.

I only joined Instagram relatively recently, but then again I was slow to social media, only joining Facebook 18 months ago. But Instagram quickly became a favourite of mine. In terms of blogging I find Twitter is the most useful for sharing my blog posts and connecting with other bloggers. Facebook is a great way to keep people posted with what you are up to and see what others are up to also. But when it comes to the type of social media that I really love looking at, it is without a doubt Instagram. Maybe it is because I love photography so much. I love seeing other peoples beautiful images and I love taking my own photographs to share. I also find it a great way to share little quotes that I love, or that I have written myself.

So how do you decide what to share on Instagram?

Firstly decide whether you are just using it as a way to share photos with family and or friends, or whether you are using it to promote a business, website or a personal blog. Decide whether you want a theme or particular colour palate. Perhaps you want to make it all about what your kids get up to, or about your cheeky pets. Maybe you want to share holiday snaps, focus on sport, or share your fashion tips.

If you are just sharing it for fun then just have fun doing it. Select your favourite photo you snapped on your smartphone each day and share it. Perhaps add where you are, what you were doing, or add a funny little quote to go with it.

How do you make your Instagram account more appealing?

So let’s say you want to make your Instagram account better to look at, perhaps you want it to promote your blog or website. The best and most favoured Instagram accounts are (after celebrates of course) the ones that follow a certain theme or have a certain look to their photographs. So the first and most important thing to remember is to post only your best photographs. No one wants to see 10 photographs in a row of the same lookout, or beach, or even of how pretty you look in your selfies ( I know it is hard to believe). Choose the best shot and post that one only. It is considered bad manners to post more than 2 photos in a row, so if you have 10 photos you just have to share, then share them on Facebook or at least spread them over the day on Instagram, rather than all at once.

Be consistent. If you want people to notice you on Instagram, if you are trying to build a following then you have to be present in order for people to know you exist and to see what you have to offer. As I mentioned above don’t post too many photos in a row, although it would make people see you it will soon make them unfollow you! But you do need to share regularly, as much as you don’t want to overload people, you also don’t want to be completely in the background. Consistency is key, don’t post 10 things one day and then disappear for 2 weeks.

Try to post at least 3 times a day.  But if you don’t have anything good to share then you are better off posting once a day rather than posting 3 really bad images. Try posting once in the morning, once in the middle of the day and then again in the evening. See which times generate the most post likes and try to post at that time each day. 

The most beautiful Instagram feeds are those which are aesthetically pleasing to the eye. One way to achieve this is by using a filter for you photographs and always choosing the same filter. Colour palate is hugely important too. Try sticking to certain colours. Maybe you like a vibrant feel to your feed so you may choose orange, reds or bright yellows. For a softer feel to your feed, try pale blues or pale yellows, pretty pinks or rose gold. For a more artistic feel you may choose to have a black and white feed. Your colour choices says a lot about you and your business, so take your time to really work out how you want people to see you. Be authentic, choose something you love, if it is not you, if it doesn’t make you feel good, then it is the wrong choice.

Let people know who you are not only through your images, but also through the words you add to your feed. Make your comments true to you. Maybe you want to add funny captions, or beautiful motivational quotes, maybe you want to make people feel moved, laugh, or motivate them to exercise, or travel. Put some thought into how you want to make people feel. 

If you are trying to promote a business Instagram is a great way to interact with people and generate more costumers, you can let people know about sales and even run competitions. You can advertise new stock and get your brand out there. But be careful not to overload people with too many posts that feel pushy. People want to like you and not feel pressured to buy from you. Sleepwear guru Peter Alexander for example not only posts his products, he posts images of his workers having fun, he posts pictures of himself with his cute dogs, and quotes, it makes people want to see what he is up to and generates more interest in his latest sleepwear, which in turn makes him a lot of money.

Look through the Instagram accounts you like the best and the ones you relate to, get an idea of how you want your feed to look and then make it happen. Always be true to who you are, no one likes fake, so always let the true you shine through your photographs and words. With my own Instagram account I like to share photographs that make me happy, this can be anything from travel photos, beautiful interiors and gardens, photos of my children, or what book I’m currently reading as well as inspirational quotes that I want to share with my followers. I find sharing the things I love makes me happy and I enjoy receiving likes and comments knowing that other people enjoy them too.

Although it is easy to follow anyone and everyone and hope that you will get loads of followers in return, it really does mean that you will get loads of photos in your feed that you really don’t enjoy. I like to make my Instagram feed a happy place, so I only follow people who I really enjoy. Some I like because they inspire me, others are just really pretty. I love getting interior design ideas, I love amazing art and photography, looking at yummy food, beautiful travel destinations and loads of photos of people I really admire like other bloggers who have become more like friends. Don’t get fixated on numbers, don’t be afraid to unfollow people if you find their posts boring or even offensive.

My advice just enjoy the experience of sharing little pieces of your world.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


 Follow my Instagram account HERE

My hubbys is @photoglanville


Welcome to the #mg link up. If you would like to add your post that would be great.

Rules are fairly simple. You can share one blog per week, make sure you add my badge (code below) to the post you are linking and you must comment on the host post, which is this one here you hopefully just read. Also please comment on at least 2 other posts, the one linked up prior to your own and another that grabs your attention.

If you tweet me @macglanville and add #mg I will always retweet. I will also comment on and share your post!

I have started sharing my favourite post each week, only this week I want to break my rule of choosing only one as there were 3 posts that really touched me.  All the posts this week were of such a high standard and I want to give so many of you a shout out, but I have chosen to share 3.  I really admire these 3 writers they have really opened up this week and shared some really personal stories.

Firstly is Em with her post on trying to get an adult Autism assessment  and the long wait involved. Thank you Em for being so open and honest, I know your post will help so many.

The second link I want to share comes from Shoebox full of memories and his post about ending Stillbirth, it is a must read. It is educational, passionate and eye opening.

I would also like to share a post by Laura from Five Little Doves. She has shared a very honest post about Loosing our S**t as a parent. It happens, and yet we often don’t talk about it. If you are a parent you will ‘get this’.

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