I have never really thought about making a bucket list. Don’t get me wrong there are many things I’d love to do before I die, but I don’t really focus on that, I tend to focus more on just finding happiness in each day. This week we had a bit of a scare, my hubby went from being perfectly healthy and active to on the verge of collapsing within a few hours. It was very scary. When he was sent to hospital I let my mind go to a ‘not so nice place’, and I had to push those negative thoughts away and just focus on supporting him and the kids whatever happened. I can not even begin to describe my relief when they let him come home with strong meds and painkillers to heal. He is almost back to new now! But I want to thank everyone who has understood this week that I haven’t been able to keep up with blogging at my usual pace. And for all your kind messages that meant more than I can say! And of course to thank Janine my Friday Reflections co-host for covering my butt this week!

So although it’s a couple of days late, I am reflecting on a Sunday rather than a Friday, the prompt I have chosen this week is “What’s on my bucket list”. After the week I have just had I chose this prompt because it made me realise how truly precious life can be, and how quickly it can be taken away. So what do I want to achieve in this life? Where do I want to go? What experiences would I love to have? And where I expected a list to just come pouring out of me, well . . . . it just didn’t! I could say I want to go to Italy and eat Pasta and drink coffee, because I do want to do that. And I could add that I want to have my novel published, because I do want that.

But when it comes down to it, all I really want is to feel alive and happy. I want to live with an open mind and embrace the small stuff. I want to celebrate the achievements I see my children master each week, a growth in their confidence, a new word they have learnt to spell, and new friendship blossoming. I want to love my husband and laugh with him every day, I want to see the beauty in nature and in people wherever I go. I can do these things every day, I don’t need to put them on a bucket list.

When I die, if I could look back over my life, or watch my own funeral I wouldn’t want to be celebrated for the big bucket list stuff, I want to be remembered for just loving my life. I don’t want people to say. Oh she lived a great life because she travelled to Italy, wrote a book, lived in a mansion by the sea, they are great things, but they are not who I am, (or in the case of my funeral), who I was. I want to live, simple and as boring as that may sound, I just want to live and enjoy all the blessings that surround me.

So my bucket list would include things like

  • being open minded
  • celebrating the achievements of myself and those people I love
  • enjoying nature
  • embracing other cultures
  • giving what I can to help others
  • inspiring people to live with an open mind and heart
  • living my passions
  • allowing myself the freedom to be me

This is what I wish for my life, and for the lives of everyone. I don’t want to feel like if I don’t publish my book that I have somehow failed, or not achieved something worth while, I am so proud of myself for even writing a book and I will celebrate that regardless. And if it is published I will celebrate again! Life is full of things to be happy about, things to celebrate. I know I can’t, and that I wont be happy all the time, but I do hope that I can always find at least one thing to feel grateful for each and everyday of my life, and that is going on my bucket list!

  • I can find one thing to be grateful for each day of my life, even the not so great days

What’s going on your bucket list?


Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


Welcome to Friday Reflections.

Friday Reflections is a prompt lead link up party, here are this weeks prompts

– When you were a kid, what did you think you were going to be when you grew up?
– What’s new (interpret this however you feel!)?
– What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you/you have done for someone?
– Find a Blog Twin…someone you follow who is either like you were when younger OR maybe like what you hope to be when older. Link up with them and write about each other.
– What’s on your bucket list?

If you would like to join us simply write a post based on one of the above prompts and add it to our link up. Be sure to include our badge (code below) and comment on the two host posts and at least 2 others please. Follow us on Twitter @Fridayreflect.

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