On Monday my baby started school, OK he is not a baby, he’s 5 and a few months, but he is my baby in the sense that he is my youngest child (unless of course we count Holly the puppy). My beautiful little boy Adam ventured off for his first day at big/little school with his super sized backpack, his over sized blazer and his shiny new shoes, (how often do you see a 5 year old boy in clean shoes?) He looked adorable, I mean if I could have I would have scooped him up and eaten him he was so deliciously cute! I will write another post soon about his first week, but tonight I felt the need to let you know what I am thankful for . . .

It goes without saying that I am thankful for a gazillion amazing things, but I am not going to bore you with a massive list form A to Z of Mac’s thankful moments, but I will start at A! I am thankful for Aspen, April and Adam, my three delicious children (I promise I am not a cannibal, just in case you are starting to wonder with all my talk of my delectable children)! As I went to bed Monday night I looked at my cute Kikki K book titled “today I am thankful”, now I must admit with all my good intentions to fill it out, I don’t always do it, but each page has 3 spaces to fill in on what I am thankful for. It is a great way to focus on the good in life, and great to look back upon when you have a sucky kind of day!

So Monday night I picked it up and started to write that I am thankful for my wonderful little boy, and being there to witness such a precious moment, the moment he started school, when it hit me, like seriously hit me that I was here, as in alive and present at this amazing moment in my sons life, a moment that once I questioned if I’d ever be here to see. I felt completely overwhelmed with pure joy and elation that I had seen all three of my children start school. Why? Because when I was pregnant with Adam the doctors discovered I had a heart condition, and they feared that both myself and/or my baby may not survive the birth.

At the time Aspen was 4 and April 2, little Aspen was in kindergarten and was due to start school a few months after the baby was due. Towards the end of my pregnancy I was on bed rest, it broke my heart that I wasn’t even allowed to walk to pick Aspen up from Kinder. Aspen and April were still so young, babies really and I was scared, I was scared I wouldn’t be around to be their mum, to hold them, guide them, help them with homework, nurture them when they had their first heartbreak, be there on their wedding day, or support them during their pregnancys, and I worried what my husband would dress them in, and how he would do their hair!!!! I mean I seriously gave him clear instructions on where he had to buy their clothes!

One thought that made me sad was if I couldn’t be there to watch them head off to school. To see them in their cute little dresses with their pigtails and matching ribbons. So the other night when I picked up my journal and wrote those words, that I am thankful for seeing all three of my children start school it meant more than I can possibly express, as tears filled my eyes I felt truly thankful for being alive, for my heart holding out, for the doctors that watched over me and protected Adam and I, and for how my strong heart healed. I am so thankful that I get to do that school run everyday, that I get to see them in their adorable uniforms and see their smiles at the end of the day when they put their arms around me. It was one of those moments on Monday night where you appreciate the mundane, where you are just so incredibly grateful for the small things in life, and well just life itself!

Tweet me “Take a moment and think about what you are thankful for tonight, and give someone you love an extra hug just because you can!”

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

Let me know what you are grateful for tonight, leave me a comment below or visit me on Facebook Mackenzie Glanville

You can also follow me on Twitter @MacGlanville or follow Holly @dogblogholly

Tweet me I am thankful for . . . ?” Let mg know http://www.reflectionsfromme.com/

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