Posts by tag
strong women
I can not tell you the amount of blog posts, instagram stories etcetera, that have referred to women picking on, bullying, or putting down other women, other mothers, and I…
If I could just go back to the night we met
I am not the only person who has travelled down this road I am not the only one who has not reclaimed their debt I am still haunted by the…
Opportunity only knocks once
Opportunity only knocks once. It is a saying, or a proverb that I am sure you have been told, or have at the very least heard several times in your…
stronger than yesterday
I shouldn’t be shocked, this has happened to me before, but still every time it does I find myself wondering why I wasn’t expecting it. I guess it is like…
I want to be a strong woman
As a woman I often feel I have to be strong and independent, I look upon these traits in other women as admirable. We take on so much as women,…
teaching our children about equality
Every Flower Blooms In Its Own Time Ken Petti There is so much going on in the world right now that leaves many of us confused and disappointed. My…
reasons to love getting older
We want to look good, actually scrap that we want to look great! Women, and even men spend hundreds of dollars a year on products to help them look great!…
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