Posts by tag
self love
Have you ever just stood still and realised you are completely lost? Lately I have had no idea which way to turn, have you ever felt that way? It is…
Take a journey with me
I was thinking about my own personal goals this morning and about what motivates me to set out to achieve them. I have never been one to sit and really…
time to fill up your self-love cup
Treating ourselves with love and respect doesn’t always come easily, even knowing that if we don’t fill our own self -love cup first it can make it harder to give…
Have you heard of ‘Earthing’? If not then perhaps you have heard people talking about being grounded? So what exactly is earthing? Well put simply it is about connecting to…
Have you ever heard of LUSH? LUSH is a cosmetics company that has been around since 1995, it started its life in London and is now in over 50 countries…
To blossom is to be beautiful
In order to have everything you desire you need to open yourself up, you need to bloom. To bloom is to grow. To grow is to learn. To learn…
listen to your heart
Your heart is your true compass. Your soul, your truth, your inner voice is all connected to your heart, it is all desperately trying to point you in the right…
15 ways to help you feel happier
It is OK to feel lost now and then, it is OK to feel upset, it is OK to need a cry, it is OK to feel completely wrapped up…
Courage is not the absence of fear
We talk about people being brave and courageous because they put themselves in dangerous situations that we could never picture putting ourselves in. We talk about them as if they…
Opportunity only knocks once
Opportunity only knocks once. It is a saying, or a proverb that I am sure you have been told, or have at the very least heard several times in your…
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