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Mackenzie glanville
“Empathy is intuitive, but it is also something you can work on, intellectually.” Tim Minchin I am sure we have all been told that we shouldn’t judge others until…
Take a journey with me
I was thinking about my own personal goals this morning and about what motivates me to set out to achieve them. I have never been one to sit and really…
100th edition of A Blogging Good Time!
Welcome to the 100th edition of A Blogging Good Time, WOW 100! Hope you can celebrate with us! Hosted by myself and Katie from Mummyinatutu. We are looking forward to seeing what…
A bloggers life
Blogging started for me as something ‘just for me’. I wanted to write, actually I would say I needed to write! It was in my soul, part of who I…
Free Range Children or Super Children?
It’s hard to believe that we are half way through the year already, tomorrow is my birthday and another year of my life has gone by. I am not bothered…
Have you ever heard of LUSH? LUSH is a cosmetics company that has been around since 1995, it started its life in London and is now in over 50 countries…
I want a life where I can finally breathe out
Sitting outside the cabin getting some fresh air, or smokey air if you count the smoke drifting off the fire, I’m under the shelter with a morning cuppa and it’s…
tips to keep a chaotic home as calm as possible
Being a parent to several fur babies and human ones too is always guaranteed to equal there never being a dull day! A teen, a tween, and a cheeky little…
listen to your heart
Your heart is your true compass. Your soul, your truth, your inner voice is all connected to your heart, it is all desperately trying to point you in the right…
Parenting in the moment : Mummy Shot in May
Parenthood is by far the most challenging thing I have ever done, and continue to do. Not only do I have an audience almost every waking moment, I have an…
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