Posts by tag
I am not the only person who has travelled down this road I am not the only one who has not reclaimed their debt I am still haunted by the…
I would love to live in a bookstore
“Generally, by the time you are Real, most of your hair has been loved off, and your eyes drop out and you get loose in the joints and very shabby.…
How are you? Why I find this question hard.
We all know there are tricky questions in life. They are usually asked by kids because let’s face it, they have no filter! Then there are the people who actually…
How would it feel to trust that you know what is right for you?
Don’t we owe ourselves, as much as we believe we owe others? The obvious answer would be ‘yes’ wouldn’t it? Yet we are often left feeling guilty if we actually…
providing comfort through rituals
As a new mum I quickly learnt that providing Aspen with certain rituals throughout her day gave her comfort, and offered a sense of security. When she was growing in…
raw, honest, anxious & fearlessly authentic
Lately I have had to live more authentically than ever, I have had to share parts of myself that I really haven’t felt ready to share. There is nothing that…
A Blogging Good Time
Welcome to A Blogging Good Time! Hosted by myself and Katie from Mummyinatutu. We are super excited to see what you will link up this week! A blogging good time runs…
“Empathy is intuitive, but it is also something you can work on, intellectually.” Tim Minchin I am sure we have all been told that we shouldn’t judge others until…
A bloggers life
Blogging started for me as something ‘just for me’. I wanted to write, actually I would say I needed to write! It was in my soul, part of who I…
listen to your heart
Your heart is your true compass. Your soul, your truth, your inner voice is all connected to your heart, it is all desperately trying to point you in the right…
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