I’ve been putting some time into ‘me’ lately, and pondering the idea of what my dream life might look like. What would my dream consist of? Who would it include? What would I need to add to my life, or perhaps take away, in order to live my dream life?

There is no doubt that for me my biggest road block for quite sometime has been a lack of self confidence, or perhaps more truthfully a lack of believing I deserve happiness. So in order to even begin to live my dream life step one had to be learning to love myself enough to believe I am worthy of my dream life.

I began Step One, in truth a few years ago I could not even say I liked myself, a pattern built up since childhood. It has been a hard road, I won’t sugar coat it, when you are going from a place of believing, (and I should say falsely believing), that you are worthless, it takes a lot of work to turn around your thought patterns. The good news is, and I promise you this is true, you can turn it around. Most days now I can say I am a Good Person! And, I can say I Deserve Good Things! Even better than saying it though is that I believe it!

There are days where I still fall into the old pattern of negative self talk, that’s to be expected, but I don’t stay there now. So if you are lost in a haze of negativity, or self loathing then please trust me, with work, you can turn it around!

It can sound so cliché, this whole ‘loving yourself’ thing, but the truth is, when you learn to love who you are, to accept who you are, and live that fearlessly authentic life, you feel not only a greater sense of inner peace, but also a burst of adrenaline that makes you want to go out and kick ass and finally grab the life that you deserve!

So what next? You might find yourself at the beginning of this new found love affair with yourself and then wonder, where to now? You might be feeling like you want to burst through the barriers that held you back and jump into a whole new existence, but quite often it can be baby steps. You need to go gentle on your soul.

Sometimes we know exactly what we want, other times we need time to really figure out what our Dream Life will encompass.

For me I knew I needed to write, so when I began my first work on trying to like myself I began my blog, and wow has that been a journey! Working on my fictional work also gives me great pleasure, but I have yet to gain the confidence to share that. (That’s where the ‘your not good enough‘ voice still kicks in).

If you are a regular in this space you will know that one of the hardest steps for me has been finally revealing my birth name publicly, but I knew that for me to have a shot at living my dream life I had to be brave enough to make that leap.

The more time I spent pondering what my dream life would encompass the more clear it became that it was really important to me to reclaim my identity. I can’t even begin to describe how huge this step was for me, but it is one of those things that I knew deep down if I didn’t do I would never truly feel free.

This road to living my dreams life has in many ways just begun, and I am going to continue to ponder what it is that I truly need to make it happen.

What about you? Do you feel close to living your dream life? Do you ever think about what it would look like, or feel like? Do you believe a dream life is possible? I’d love to hear your thoughts if you feel like commenting. I’d also love you to share something you dream of for yourself, or your family, please do share.

Thank you for pondering along with me today, Kylie xx

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