We are pretty impatient beings, we have learned to expect things straight away, when we want them. We want a new top and we don’t even have to wait for the shops to open we just jump online and shop, express post anyone? We want something we don’t have the money for we just pop it on the credit card (and deal with the consequences later). We want to know the weather for the next week we don’t have to wait for the nightly news we just look it up online, it is just so easy.
When I was growing up (I guess I still am), we had to wait. The supermarkets weren’t open for all night, or even late night shopping, and when it came to Sundays nothing was open! How did we survive? We have truly become the “I’m not waiting for anything” generation.
We buy a television, a computer and iPhone and when a better one comes out we buy a new one. It is just the way we live now. The thing is when it comes to having to really work hard for things we have a ‘give up too easily‘ mentality.
But that is not how we were designed. When we are babies we have to learn to crawl, and once we master that skill we need to learn to walk. This takes time and a LOT of patience. We try hard to pull ourselves up, we fall down over and over again. We wonder what we are doing wrong and then we realise if we hold onto something sturdy we can stand. We try to take a step and we fall again, but we are determined, deep down we believe we CAN do it! We don’t give up and say “oh well I will never walk‘, we refocus and try again. We learn from our mistakes and then we begin to move along the furniture, if we hang on we realise we don’t fall.
But still we are not satisfied, we know there is more to life than holding on, and we reset our goal, we want to walk unassisted. We try and yet again we fall. An adult holds out their hands encouraging us to come to them, and we let go and take a wobbly step, we fall. We could give up, we could say “it’s impossible“. But we don’t give up, we believe in ourselves. We patiently wait for our legs to grow stronger as we exercise them along the furniture, and then we try again and again, suddenly we do it! We let go of the furniture and we make it all the way to the adult who is now clapping excitedly and kissing our chubby cheeks. We smile, we fill with pride, we did it, we didn’t give up, we believed in our goal and we achieved it!
Things that really matter don’t always come easily. It may be easy to shop online or go and buy milk on a Sunday when we run out, but there are somethings that we have to wait patiently for and somethings that we have to work really hard to achieve.
OK so you have a goal, something you want to achieve. Say you want to build a business, you do this by gaining one client at a time, just like as a baby you patiently learnt to take one step at a time. Say your goal is to eat healthier, you do this by making that choice one meal at a time. You want to build you blog subscribers or your twitter followers you do this over time. The key is patience and persistence, the key is to believe you can and will achieve your goal one step at a time.
Anything is possible when you are willing to keep trying, you will stumble, you will even fall and maybe even get bruised along the way, but keep fighting for your dreams, keep fighting for you!
Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx
Welcome to the #mg link up. If you would like to add your post that would be great.
Rules are fairly simple. You can share one blog per week, make sure you add my badge (code below) to the post you are linking and you must comment on the host post, which is this one here. Also please comment on a t least 2 other posts, the one linked up prior to your own and another that grabs your attention.
If you tweet me @macglanville and add #mg I will always retweet. I will also comment on and share your post!
I have decided to add a link to my favourite post that is shared each week. (Why am I doing this it is going to be near impossible to choose?)
This week one post really challenged my thoughts (as this writer often does) this was Tracey from The Anxious Dragon with her post on whether or not she is a survivor. I found it particularly interesting as I had just written my own post about being a survivor, and so I enjoyed her different take on this subject. To me Tracey is absolutely a surveyor, but I do like the way she says
‘I may find things hard sometimes, but I have not written the rest of my life off as useless because of my illness, and each day I wake up and do as much as I can to fight it. I am not a survivor, but I am surviving’. Tracey. The Anxious Dragon.
I thought Tracey’s post was a great one too…good choice! And it’s true, we have really become a society of immediate gratification. Sometimes I miss having all the shops closed on Sundays 🙂
yes it was a great post, she always makes me think. Yes sometimes it would deb nice if they were closed.
Hi Mackenzie! I made it this week! I hear you loud and clear in your post this week. We do live in a ‘I want it now’ world and I fear that we don’t appreciate what we have as we don’t have to work as hard for it. I know with blogging I have been impatient at times – I need to get my blog out there, I need to get courses sorted out but at the end of the day, anything worthwhile does take time and patience. The sense of achievement when we have worked hard for something. You bring me back to reality. Thank you 🙂
You are right it is a great sense of achievement when we reach goals or even smash those goals! It takes time but at least we are working at it, thanks lovely for the comment and for linking up x
Thank you for reminding me of the basics of achievement. I often get carried away with the ‘have it now’ mentality. I so think it is inherited from the way that western culture is set up. Great post! #fartglitter
I think we all get carried away don’t we, but it’s nice to sometimes stop and look back on how far we’ve come xx
This reminds me so much of conversations I have had with my boy over the last few years. He is 21 and sometimes has a bit of a ‘the world owes me something’ type attitude (gained from his father). I have several times had to stop him in his tracks and remind him that the world doesnt owe him anything (a job, a car, etc) so if he wants them he needs to put in the effort to get them. #MG
He is lucky to have you guiding him, he will have much better life learning to make it himself as that is what gives us pride in ourselves
It’s one of the hardest things to teach kids, that if they really want something they need to work for it, and work hard if it’s something they really want. Great post, thanks xx
Thanks Em and thanks for sharing
It’s no bad thing to have patience but as you say anything worth having takes hard work. That can include learning to be patient!
Do your linky blogs have to be on a particular theme?
no theme, just as long as it is not offensive. Thank you for your comment
I say this all the time. We must be happy with what we have and not keep wanting more. As human beings we strive to achieve better it’s in our nature but it can make us blind to the gifts we have in front of us. I am hugely guilty of this. I try every day to sit and be great full. Thank you for a fab post #mg
it is a great practice to sit and reflect on the gifts we have xx
You make such a good point here! We are definitely the I don’t wait for things generation. Remember if you wondered about something before Google existed – you had to look through encyclopedias to find the answer. There is no waiting for anything now. I bet that has changed how people see success & maybe feel like things should happen faster. But you are so right, it’s baby steps to build anything in life! Thanks so much for hosting hun #MG
I know I remember how it was hard to get the answers before google, amazing isn’t it, our kids will never know that, it all changed so quickly
Oh wow, this is truly inspiring! I loved this post as it such a timely reminder to not give up. I always come to your blog and leave feeling so positive and inspired! We are such an instant gratification society that we tend to forget like you say, good things come to those who wait and WORK. Thank you for hosting #mg.
What lovely compliment thank you xx
My goodness, did you know I needed this today!? There’s something going on in my life that relates. I want the answer to something now, but it requires patience and taking one step at a time to finally be able to make my decision as to what’s best for myself and my family. I suppose it’s a matter of letting life tell you what’s right; but sometimes time just seems to stand still! In everything that is worth achieving, baby steps are what it takes! Thank you for posting this today. It really did help me! Thank you for hosting, #mg, Mac!! 🙂 x
so glad it helped lovely xx
Great post. I’ve written a similar one about how we all expect to get instantly gratified and get annoyed and upset when we don’t get it immediately! You make a really good point at the end about not giving up as those things worth having take some time and patience. I need to keep remembering that! #FartGlitter
I know it is easy to forget isn’t it
This is so true Mackenzie! Before I became a mother, I was very impatient and with some things, I still am but over the years, I have learned to have more patience and especially with my blog this past year, I have learned to work hard but also have some patience because eventually, I know it’s going to pay off. We definitely are an impatient species, some more than others but if we make the conscious effort to practice more patience, we will be much happier in the end. #mg
I agree we will be much happier when we take the time and appreciate the learning along the way x
Here, here! Remember when we used to have to wait to get our photos developed? It’s unthinkable these days. Good things come to those who wait! Sarah #mg
I know so weird how quick it all changed
I often think about how times have changed when I hear someone complaining about Sunday opening hours. Thank you for the reminder about the small steps, I think you have commented on my small steps to healthy eating ha! Thank you for hosting too xx #mg
yep baby steps!
What a lovely post! so inspirational and yes everything is a matter of patience and persistence. #mg
Thank you so much for the compliment x
A very apt post for me as I needed to hear about things taking time. That’s exactly how I feel about blogging at the moment. I’ve been doing it for such a long time, and I’m forever hearing about people having loads more success than me who’ve only been blogging for a fraction of the time. Thanks for making me think maybe I just need to be a bit more patient.
always remember what your passion is and do it for you, don’t worry about stats, you are so talented, never give up on following that vision you have xx
Such a beautiful post. I wish I can write as well as you. I just have to write more and find me own style – as I don’t think I have found one yet. Thank you for the inspiration. I’ll keep trying. x
Oh darling I thank you for the compliment, but you are a wonderful and talented writer, always know that!
It’s so true that we always want the newest of everything. But at the same time I am very good at refraining from instant gratification as well. For instance I wanted new work out shoes which I set a goal for myself and achieved so my reward was new workout clothes and shoes. I fell in love with this particular pair of shoes but when I saw the price tag I refused to buy them. I knew I would get my use out of them but I just wasn’t going to spend that amount so I went with the MUCH cheaper ones and they feel just as good on my feet. Thanks for hostessing #mg…please do put me on your invite list for I’m horrible at remembering and I keep misplacing my linky list. 🤗❤️
It’s great to reward ourselves, we all need a bit of that don’t we! But yes sometimes the cheaper options can be just as fab!
An excellent message. I can be really impatient. Sometimes it’s difficult to remember we have to wait. And some of the best things are worth waiting for.
they really are x
Great post. You forget how many skills we’ve got to learn when we’re born that we take for granted.
We do son’t we. Thanks for linking up this week lovely xx
Great post!! Your blog always inspires me to think about things in a different way. Thank you! xx
oh thank you for that lovely comment
So true, we don’t have to wait for much these days but the things we do have to wait for are worth it. It’s like money, I’m trying to teach my son about money as he thinks we can just get what we want. #mg xx
kids do think that don’t they. Oh it would be nice to not have to actually worry about paying for things.
Everything good in life is worth waiting for. It pays to be patient. Not to get too slushy, but I waited a very long time to settle down and have a child. I could have probably had one sooner, but I was prepared to wait until the right man came along so that I could give my child the environment I wanted him/her to grow up in. It was definitely worth the wait. #mg
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