We are pretty impatient beings, we have learned to expect things straight away, when we want them. We want a new top and we don’t even have to wait for the shops to open we just jump online and shop, express post anyone? We want something we don’t have the money for we just pop it on the credit card (and deal with the consequences later). We want to know the weather for the next week we don’t have to wait for the nightly news we just look it up online, it is just so easy. 

When I was growing up (I guess I still am), we had to wait. The supermarkets weren’t open for all night, or even late night shopping, and when it came to Sundays nothing was open! How did we survive? We have truly become the “I’m not waiting for anything” generation.

We buy a television, a computer and iPhone and when a better one comes out we buy a new one. It is just the way we live now. The thing is when it comes to having to really work hard for things we have a ‘give up too easily‘ mentality.

But that is not how we were designed. When we are babies we have to learn to crawl, and once we master that skill we need to learn to walk. This takes time and a LOT of patience. We try hard to pull ourselves up, we fall down over and over again. We wonder what we are doing wrong and then we realise if we hold onto something sturdy we can stand. We try to take a step and we fall again, but we are determined, deep down we believe we CAN do it! We don’t give up and say “oh well I will never walk‘, we refocus and try again. We learn from our mistakes and then we begin to move along the furniture, if we hang on we realise we don’t fall.

But still we are not satisfied, we know there is more to life than holding on, and we reset our goal, we want to walk unassisted. We try and yet again we fall. An adult holds out their hands encouraging us to come to them, and we let go and take a wobbly step, we fall. We could give up, we could say “it’s impossible“. But we don’t give up, we believe in ourselves. We patiently wait for our legs to grow stronger as we exercise them along the furniture, and then we try again and again, suddenly we do it! We let go of the furniture and we make it all the way to the adult who is now clapping excitedly and kissing our chubby cheeks. We smile, we fill with pride, we did it, we didn’t give up, we believed in our goal and we achieved it!


Things that really matter don’t always come easily. It may be easy to shop online or go and buy milk on a Sunday when we run out, but there are somethings that we have to wait patiently for and somethings that we have to work really hard to achieve.

OK so you have a goal, something you want to achieve. Say you want to build a business, you do this by gaining one client at a time, just like as a baby you patiently learnt to take one step at a time. Say your goal is to eat healthier, you do this by making that choice one meal at a time. You want to build you blog subscribers or your twitter followers you do this over time. The key is patience and persistence, the key is to believe you can and will achieve your goal one step at a time.

Anything is possible when you are willing to keep trying, you will stumble, you will even fall and maybe even get bruised along the way, but keep fighting for your dreams, keep fighting for you!

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx



Welcome to the #mg link up. If you would like to add your post that would be great.

Rules are fairly simple. You can share one blog per week, make sure you add my badge (code below) to the post you are linking and you must comment on the host post, which is this one here. Also please comment on a t least 2 other posts, the one linked up prior to your own and another that grabs your attention.

If you tweet me @macglanville and add #mg I will always retweet. I will also comment on and share your post!

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I have decided to add a link to my favourite post that is shared each week. (Why am I doing this it is going to be near impossible to choose?)

This week one post really challenged my thoughts (as this writer often does) this was Tracey from The Anxious Dragon with her post on whether or not she is a survivor. I found it particularly interesting as I had just written my own post about being a survivor, and so I enjoyed her different take on this subject. To me Tracey is absolutely a surveyor, but I do like the way she says

 ‘I may find things hard sometimes, but  I have not written the rest of my life off as useless because of my illness, and each day I wake up and do as much as I can to fight it. I am not a survivor, but I am surviving’. Tracey. The Anxious Dragon.


My Kid Doesn't Poop Rainbows