It’s been an interesting week. When you stop and think about it… it is pretty funny how we can have such highs and such lows all within such a short space of time.

There have been some moments I’d rather forget, like cleaning up the dog poop that my sweet, adorable dog decided to leave in the upstairs living room as a special surprise for me (you know just because she loves me so much)! Thankfully we have floor boards and not carpet or I may not be so forgiving. (Plus she does have two week old puppies).

I am happy however to lock into my long term memory the gorgeous face of my nine year old when he returned from his very first school camp, his bright blue eyes and cute little freckles across his nose and that priceless grin!

Then my teen set off on camp to Uluru, hearing updates from her has been the highlight of my week, her happy snaps, along with her very silly snaps have made me laugh because I can see she is so happy just being her wacky self, and her heartfelt goodnight messages telling me she loves me are just gorgeous!

Then there was my very elegant fall from grace (ok so I never had grace, nor was I ever elegant) however I did manage to take a fall. Now I wouldn’t want to do things and not put in my very best effort, so I had to make my fall count. Imagine a beautiful swan gliding across the water and coming into land perfectly upon the water, now scrap that, imagine the complete opposite and that was me flying across the air and coming into land on the concrete pavement outside the train station SPLAT! I swear if I had only known it was going to happen I would have at least had someone film it so it could go viral on Youtube “Lady in the Yellow Top Goes SPLAT”. In fact it wouldn’t surprise me if I do see the footage someday as the train station cameras were angled my way! I am now sporting a new fashion accessory every woman wants, yes I am the envy of all! The sexy big open oozing wound on the knee look! It is so 2019! Seriously darling everyone wants one!


I am not alone on my fashion statements this week, our male dog Hudson had his (to put it nicely) balls chopped off…. “OUCH!” I hear all the men of the world cry, yes he has been desexed, neutered whatever you wish to call it there is no longer anything dangling between his legs. So yes he is now making his own fashion statement wearing the dreaded CONE OF SHAME! Why do they call it the Cone of Shame? The poor fella, it was not like it was his choice. He is getting loads of extra cuddles though, and I felt so bad I even bought him a new doggy bed and this really silky doggy blanket.

Hudson and the Cone of Shame

I also enjoyed the pleasure of a tetanus injection this week, that was fun! Oh and I had to endure my husband laughing at my pain and misery because my wrist hurt so much from the fall that it pained me to send text messages. He is lucky I don’t send him for neutering! I did get some pleasure out of my sore knee though, sending images to my sister of the oozing was quite amusing! She can not stomach anything gross like that, clearly why I studied nursing and she went corporate.

So that is a little taste of my week. I am very much looking forward to my daughter flying home on Friday evening and getting to hear the million stories I know she will tell me, I’ll enjoy the first few thousand, but my mind may wander by the millionth (#badmum). I can not wait to wrap my arms around her at the airport and embarrass the heck out of her like I am sure all the other parents will be doing too!

I would like to say my knee is healing nicely, but we are now day 4.5 post incident and being on the knee joint it is struggling to heal, I took the bandage off yesterday and it removed the top layer along with it, but I am on antibiotics so hopefully it will heal up soon, because having a shower is bloody painful!

Hope you are having a great week and that your highs are high and your lows are not too low!

See my pics from my week on Instagram @reflectionsfromme

Thanks for listening to my ramblings today, love, Kylie xx