open your heart to new possibilities

gaze at the stars

travel somewhere new

follow your passion

walk on the beach

paint a picture

make a new friend

dance with the wind in your hair

fall in love with your life



There are so many factors that make up how we feel about our lives and affect our happiness. Things like 

  • Health, both mental and physical
  • Carrer
  • Family
  • Dreams and Ambitions
  • Relationships
  • Where we live
  • Hobbies
  • Environment
  • Financial status
  • Attitude

If things become unbalanced it is difficult to feel happy! I know this from personal experience. 2 years ago living in our “dream home”, happily married yet I was still unhappy. I was so grateful for all the amazing things in my life, yet I knew that my life was missing something. The questions was what? 

Things in my life were off balance. I had many of the factors listed above ticked off, but others weren’t. Two of the big ones missing for me were Dreams and Ambitions, and the fact that I wasn’t looking after my Health. Once I identified these factors for myself I was able to start working on them! This turned my life around. 


“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” – Oscar Wilde.


In many ways I was just existing, I was lacking that real lust for life, that excitement. It is so easy for us to get stuck in life, to go through each day and be content enough, yet lack that deep sense of fulfilment. We wake up, we go through the motions and at the end of the day we lay our head on our pillow and we wonder where the day went?  It is almost like not be present in our own life, not being aware enough to make each moment count. 

Ask yourself are you making each day count? 

In order to be truly happy and fulfilled you need to find balance in your life. You need to look at each dot point above and address each area. 

  • Schedule in a good hour or more to yourself. Even if you have to organise a babysitter.
  • Write down each of the dot points above on a pad of paper, leaving space to jot down some thoughts.
  • Look at each area. Ask yourself which ones stand out to you? Which ones do you know you feel fulfilled in and which areas you are feeling unbalanced in?
  • Be honest, this is just for your eyes.
  • Now focus on the areas you are not feeling positive about. Jot down the first things that come to mind about why you are no happy in this area.
  • Give each dot point a rating between 0 and 10. 0 for the ones that you are completely unsatisfied in, and 10 if you are completely satisfied.
  • Now focus on the area you scored the highest in, ask yourself why you are so happy in this area.
  • Next focus on the lowest, ask yourself why? And Why is this area so different to your top area? What can you do to find more balance in each area?
  • Know that you deserve balance and happiness in your life!!!!
  • Write down at least 3 ways you can improve balance in the 3 lowest areas.

For example. If you score low on Attitude. Maybe you could write

  1. I will write 3 things I am grateful for each day in a journal before I go to bed.
  2. I will focus on smiling more. I will smile at myself in the mirror each morning. I will greet my children (boss, partner, co-workers etc.) with a smile.
  3. I will approach situations with an open mind.

There will always be things that are out of our control, and we can’t do everything or please everyone without becoming exhausted and overwhelmed. Go easy on yourself, don’t let others control you, take responsibility for the things that you can control and believe that you deserve to take care of yourself! My latest post about “control” is now LIVE, if you relate to this post then you will benefit from reading it.

Look at each day as an opportunity to be YOU, to live with authenticity and to find happiness in even the smallest things. Let go of past hurts, forgive yourself, be grateful for the little things, embrace life each and every day, and live with enthusiasm for your life!



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You may wish to read my post about regret.


The things about life is you can’t control it.


Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

Follow me on Instagram @macglanville 

my #mg link up is LIVE, come and link up your post! 




Living my Imperfect Life
You Baby Me Mummy
My Random Musings
Over the Moon Link Party
Rhyming with Wine