My daughter April has a cat called Pumpkin, she was rescued from a pet rescue centre after her kitten London (also a rescue) died. It was a devastating time for April being only eight years old it was hard for her to comprehend losing her first pet. I wrote about it here. Having been loved by you.

Here is London with Toby her brother who we also rescued.



When London passed away only a couple of days before April’s 8th birthday we knew she needed a new kitty and Toby needed a friend after loosing his sister. So we welcomed Pumpkin Maisey.




A couple of days before this past weekend Pumpkin got out and even though she has done this before she never leaves the comfort of our yard and always comes straight back. But after 2 days of not seeing her I was starting to fear the worst and wondering how I would tell April that she may never see her again, given she still sometimes cries about London I knew if something happens to Pumpkin she will be devastated.

Friday afternoon when I got home from work I called and called but still nothing. The kids were at their Uncles and we were heading there for dinner too. I checked the again for her just before Steve got home and there she was!! I was so happy and oh my gosh I was so relieved! I picked up her and unlike her she cuddled into me. Her breathing didn’t sound right and she was very dusty and obviously hadn’t been cleaning herself. Steve got home and we tried to feed her and give her water but she refused. We knew this wasn’t like her and her nails looked shredded. 

After a call to the Vet they confirmed we should come in with her, so I called my brother and told him what was happening, but thought it was best he didn’t tell the kids. I knew if April knew we were at the vet she would assume the worst. After an exam and 2 x-rays it was confirmed she had been through some kind of trauma which has caused some damage around her chest. You could see where the air should be in her lungs was all cloudy. Given her age they ruled out a tumour and she had no fever so they didn’t suspect pneumonia, but gave her an antibiotic injection which lasts 2 weeks incase. They suspect she was hit by a car or had a nasty fall and has bled into her chest. We were able to take her home with pain medication and had to keep a close eye on her.

Saturday morning I had promised Aspen some one on one time, we went for hot chocolates and did some shopping, it was really  great morning. I got home and Pumpkin      still wasn’t eating or drinking so I used a syringe to give her water, she was still very cuddly. We spoke to the vet and as I had to take Adam to a party Steve and the girls plus April’s friend who was at our place went to the vet. She was given some recovery food and managed 4 teaspoons. Toby was helping clean her which was so adorable.





By Sunday morning she was wondering around a little more and managing more food and drink. April was starting to feel better too she had lots of tears when we told her what had happened. We had to head out Sunday and do some shopping for Steve’s birthday. We spoke to the vet and felt OK about leaving her with Toby snuggled up. She had stuttered cleaning herself too so we were confident she is getting better. 

I have to revisit the vet and get her weighed which I’ll do soon, but we are just so relieved she is on the mend! 

I’ve put together a little video of our weekend.

You can find my Youtube Channel HERE.

And here are some pics of Aspen I took this weekend too! 





Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

Link up with me HERE at #mg 

Find me on Instagram @macglanville 


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