Today I want to talk about beauty, and about feeling beautiful. I want to inspire you to think about what beauty is, and what being beautiful means to you?
We often hear things like ‘beauty is only skin deep‘ and ‘true beauty is on the inside‘. But do we really believe that? Is it more important to be beautiful on the inside than the outside?
I recently read an amazing article about compliments by the wonderful Anastasia Amour, she spoke of how we need to compliment people not only on the way they look, but also on the wonderful things they do. Anastasia asked me to think about what one of the greatest compliments I have ever received was. For me it was about my writing, I love when people tell me that something I have written has inspired them to believe in themselves, or it has empowered them in some way to live a happier life.
What I also mentioned though, was how as a young girl, boys often told me I looked like a ‘doll’, I had big eyes and flawless skin and I know that it was meant as a compliment, but to me it felt like I looked fake. I lacked confidence in my personality and often it was easier to let my looks do the talking. I knew boys liked me, but I always felt it was for my looks and not for who I was as a person.
So why is it even as women our default response when we catch up is to compliment someone on how they are looking, or how cute their new outfit looks on them? As Anastasia mentions these things are lovely to say too, we all like to hear that we look good, but we also need to be validated on more than our looks.
When my first daughter was born I made a point of saying to my husband that he should always compliment her on more than how pretty she is. We both make sure we tell her she is pretty, but also that she is clever, creative, funny and interesting. We hope that all our children will grow up with positive self esteem, and a healthy, well rounded view of who they are.
So this week I want you to think about the compliments you give, I want you to make an effort to tell people what it is you like about them. Think about their personalities, their style, their uniqueness that makes you like them. Try at least once a day this week to give someone you know, or a stranger a sincere compliment, but not about their looks. See how you go, and let me know. It doesn’t have to be face to face, it can be on social media, or via text or email. 7 compliments in 7 days!
Remember these quotes as you travel through the week. Giving compliments will not only make others feel appreciated, it will make you glow from the inside too. There is more to us than the way we look, sometimes it is nice to be reminded of that.
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Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx