Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.

Denis Waitley

It’s the truth. I know that the fleeting excitement and happiness I feel when I buy new things, or go on an expensive holiday are not where true happiness lies. We can not buy happiness, although in the moment you purchase those diamond earrings you sure think you have just brought it! But at the end of each day I know that real happiness is about really being happy and comfortable in my own skin, and about following my passions and having people around me who love and support me, who I can love and support back.

True happiness can be found in being grateful not only for the possessions we have, but for all the beauty in the world around us.

Without inner peace and self acceptance no holiday is going to cure our unhappiness, it is a momentary distraction and then we go back to ‘real life’ and nothing has truly changed, except maybe our tan line, and our bank balance. Unless of course we have an epiphany and change our lives for the better when we get back. 

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What I do know though is we need to live more mindfully, and what I mean by that is we need to be conscious of our choices and take time to find the joy in as many moments of our day that we can. We need to open up our eyes and notice things more, we need to really taste our food, and feel the fabric we wear, and notice how it feels to be hugged by our child or a friend. When we do splurge on that holiday we need to enjoy it, to really take notice of all the new things we see, the new foods we taste, and when we go shopping for new outfits enjoy the experience rather than doing it robotically. And remember to feel grateful that you can afford these experiences.

It is the experience of buying, using, or wearing that possession that brings us joy, rather than the possession itself. So when you do shop make sure you enjoy it, and when you do wear those new earrings enjoy them.

Most importantly each day we need to notice the ‘small moments’ and enjoy them more.

  • That first sip of coffee, the way it smells.
  • The morning hug with your child.
  • The way the water feels on your skin in the shower, or how lovely your shampoo smells.
  • The taste of your food as you eat it.
  • The sound of rain hitting the window, or your roof.
  • The way the birds sing.
  • The sloppy kiss from your dog.
  • The sunshine kissing your skin.
  • The smell of your food as you prepare and cook it.
  • The softness of your sofa as you snuggle in to enjoy a show you enjoy.

If we notice more moments, and realise how lucky we are to experience them, then we will live happier each and everyday.

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So here is my happy list for the week!

  1. dinner with my brother
  2. puppy training for Heidi
  3. Sunday lazy day with my hubby and kids, just watching Disney together and laughing as a family
  4. coffee date with my friend when I was feeling down, just talking with her brightened my whole week
  5. seeing Adam get so excited over his new Pokemon Onesie, he won’t get out of it
  6. a couple of days with Aspen, so many hugs
  7. seeing the hail all over the garden, it looked like snow
  8. minding my parents 2 dogs, 4 dogs in our home is full on, but also equals loads of doggy fun
  9. warmth, the days have been cold and I am so glad we have a warm home
  10. sunshine, we haven’t seen much this week so I am grateful for any little peeks
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Adam is in there somewhere

What are you feeling grateful for right now?

Share you thoughts with me in the comments section below, I love hearing from you.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx

If you liked this please tweet it, thanks x

You may also enjoy “I am freaking out about my tween” 

“What ever happens we will see our children through it”


Welcome to this weeks #mg linky party! 


#mg is a link up where you can link up on any topic, but just one post per person please.


Rules are simple.

  1. one post per week
  2. add my super adorable badge (code below)
  3. share as many posts as you can via twitter or social media you love
  4. I will comment on all posts and share them
  5. please use the #mg when commenting and sharing
  6. comment on my post and as many others as you can
  7. link ups are about sharing and cementing so please do as many as you can
  8. follow me on Twitter @macglanville and Instagram @macglanville 
  9. make sure you don’t forget to come back and comment on the people who link up later too
  10. have fun, always be you!

A special shout out to the fab Mad House Mum and Kippers and Curtains  these lovely bloggers took the time out of their busy lives to be #mg biggest commenters last week! Blogging keeps us really busy and by linking up we are meeting amazing people from all over the world. Links are really all about sharing the love, so please be like these ladies and comment on others posts, it makes everyones day brighter xx

I did notice that some people dropped their posts and did not comment on other’s posts, please make sure you comment, thank you. 


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 My featured writer this week is Corinne with The Value of Self Reliance  in which she shares her realisation that she does not need to work at being popular, she just needs to work on being who she is. She shares this inspiration quote
“I must be myself. I cannot break myself any longer for you, or you. If you can love me for what I am, we shall be happier. If you cannot, I will still seek to deserve that you should. I must be myself. I will not hide my tastes or aversions. I will so trust that what is deep is holy, that I will do strongly before the sun and moon whatever inly rejoices me and the heart appoints. If you are noble, I will love you; if you are not, I will not hurt you and myself by hypocritical attentions” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
 Thank you Corinne. 
The most clicked on post from last weeks linky was The Stented Papa with He Sleeps She Sleeps, a great perspective from both Ross and his gorgeous Wife.
feel free to grab my featured writer badge! 




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