As you know by now I am a bit photo crazy, and today I am linking up with the lovely ladies who run a linky called Pointshoot, where I get to link up photos from what I did over my weekend. Saturday was lovely, we enjoyed our last full day in Queensland, it also happened to be my father-in-laws 77th birthday so we enjoyed yummy chocolate cake! Even better the cake was homemade with love by my daughters and their grandmother. We also had some great family battles with the card game UNO, like a true birthday star my father-in-law won!

Sunday morning there was time to relax before our flight and take in that lovely last bit of sunshine. Off to the airport and a relatively smooth plane trip home, we touched down at Melbourne Airport and were welcomed by crisp 12 degree air, yep we were back in Melbourne. My gorgeous friend was sweet enough to pick us up from the airport and drive us home. The house felt strange, it’s just weird coming home to a semi-packed up house. We quickly unpacked our luggage and headed out to pick up our pets and my mum and dad’s dog that is staying with us. We had coffee and catch up with my brother and then headed home with 3 dogs and 3 kittens.

Here are a couple of photos from a lovely walk we took through the national park before leaving Queensland.



What did you get up to on the weekend? Leave me a comment below, I always love your feedback. Or come by my Linky and share your posts with me this week. Just click HERE.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


You Baby Me Mummy