As you know if you regularly stop by my blog, I like to talk about ‘wellness‘ on Wednesdays. Today is no exception. Today I want to talk about believing in ourselves, because without self belief we struggle to feel happy and healthy in our lives. 

We all need something to believe in, so why not start with believing that we deserve to be happy, healthy and live a fulfilling life?  

When we believe we deserve ‘good things’ and when we believe in ‘ourselves’ we find it easier to believe in others too. When we are on our own authentic path we can be happy to see others on their path too, and be happy for their successes. When we are living our own dream we can share other peoples happiness because we feel good about who we are. We don’t need to put other people down to feel better about ourselves because we are content in our own skin. When we are living our own dreams we don’t feel as competitive, we don’t feel the need to gossip about other peoples faults or failures just to make ourselves feel better!

Click to Tweet: When we are living our own dreams we don’t need to put others down in order to feel better about ourselves 

 If we find ourselves constantly putting others down, or comparing ourselves to others, we need to stop and reassess our own choices in life. Is there something that we are not happy about within ourselves? Is there something we need to change in our own life? Once we can answer these questions honestly we can start to take steps to living our own dreams, and then we will worry less about what anyone else is doing or what they have, and that is a freeing feeling! 

Go confidently forward in life, live your own truth and follow your own dreams. Do this and you will find true happiness and wellness.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


I have linked this post with the wonderful Linky Wellbeing Wednesday from

Beau Twins
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