I always felt growing up that I wasn’t perfect enough, I knew I was loved, but I always felt I could ‘be better’, ‘do better’, ‘behave better”, and even ‘be prettier’. Those thoughts didn’t end in my childhood though, I took those feelings and thoughts into my teen years and even adulthood. I guess I wanted to fit some kind of mould, I wanted to be more like my sister, or some girl in a magazine, anyone really other than me. I had a loving family, great friends, but I always felt like I didn’t really deserve great things or great love. I felt different, I felt like I was never ‘good enough’.  When people did or said nice things to me I just wasn’t prepared to believe that they really meant it.

Looking at my own children now it saddens me that at their age I was so insecure about who I was. I would hate my children to question whether they are good enough, smart enough, or pretty enough to be truly worthy of love and happiness.

The fact is that I felt different and I took that to be a bad thing. I wanted to be like everyone else, little did I realise everyone else was different too. Different is a good thing, it means we are “unique” and it took me a long time to realise that being unique isn’t a bad thing! Being unique is something that we should embrace and even more than that it is something we should celebrate.

Click to Tweet:  Being unique is something that we should embrace and even more than that it is something we should celebrate.

I thought my parents wanted me to be a carbon copy of my older sister who I idealised, she is an amazing woman and my best friend, but that doesn’t mean I need to be just like her. We are both unique, and whilst she was and still is the more sensible one I know both my parents and my sister love my quirky weird ways.

My two girls remind me a lot of my sister and I, they are best friends and always laughing, but they are also quite different to one another. One is quiet and sweet, and coasts through life without making waves, the other is a deep thinker and a sensitive soul. But I don’t want either of them to change, I adore what they both bring into my life! My sister has two sons and they too are great friends, yet they are very different from each other too and we love that about them.

It wasn’t until I really started to do some soul searching that I began to see my uniqueness as something to be proud of, to accept the parts of myself that I had tried to deny. It wasn’t other people who wanted me to change, it was all me. I was the only person who thought I wasn’t good enough, the negativity was all mine. It is hard to explain really, like I said I had a loving home and was popular at school with many friends, so there is nothing I can pin point that made me feel not good enough, it all came down to my internal dialogue.

The way we talk to ourselves is powerful. The words we tell ourselves can be helpful, kind or very destructive. When someone compliments you do you believe what they say to be genuine and correct or do you think they are only saying it to be kind or because they are a nice person? The way I spoke to myself for many years was hurtful. I am and always have been a good person, and I deserve good things, yet it took me a long time and a lot of self reflection to realise this.

This is one of the reasons I started blogging, it gives me an outlet to be myself and to express what I am thinking or feeling. I think as people and as bloggers we compare ourselves to others, but I made a conscious effort that I would do this my own way, hence the name reflections from ME I think it is important to have a place or space where we are true to ourselves, where we can embrace our unique qualities. I do that through my words, you may do it through art, or cooking, maybe through sports or creating a beautiful garden to enjoy. Embracing your talents and passions is a great way to celebrate your uniqueness.

Here are some tips to embracing your uniqueness.

When someone gives you a compliment don’t dismiss it, accept it and believe you deserve it!

Think about the people you like and realise that you like them because they are unique, they all bring different things into your life, start to realise that they feel the same way about you. We have friends for many reasons, some are the ones we confide in, others we just laugh and laugh with, others we have similar interests to, and some are the ones who never let us down. Everyone has a unique quality that we appreciate, it’s time to understand that you offer people something unique that they want to.

Start telling yourself you deserve good things, even if at first it feels strange or wrong, just keep saying it, eventually you will believe it.

Be kind to yourself, at least once a week spend some time doing something you really enjoy. This can be anything, so think outside the box, think of something that is uniquely you.

As I mentioned above try embracing your talents and passions as this is a great way to feel positive about yourself.

Celebrate what is different about you. It really would be so boring if we were all the same, so start seeing your uniqueness as a gift.

So I challenge all of you to embrace your unique qualities this week, I would love to hear some of your unique qualities in my comment section below. And for any bloggers out there why don’t you join me this week and write a post about what makes you unique?

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


Writing prompts this week to inspire you are . . . .  (9 October)

  • Reflect on how the current season is making you feel. What do you enjoy or dislike about this season?
  • What makes you unique?
  • Is motherhood how you imagined it?
  • Reflect on the year you have had so far.
  • What brings out the melancholy in you?
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This weeks Friday Reflections Featured Writer is Wendy from “The Art of Why Not?” with her powerful post dedicated to those who fight Cancer. Congrats Wendy on a strong post.