As evening approaches and daylight fades, clouds awash with different shades of colour each sunset that appears. There is a certain mood that evenings bring, the day for most people is coming to a close. As some are heading to work evening shifts in restaurants, bars, in hotels, or hospitals, most people are winding down after a long day. Perhaps you are preparing dinner, or getting ready to watch your favourite evening show? Others are struggling to get children to sleep, not sure if they can bare another sleepless night, and despite loving their child to the moon and back, they are wondering why they didn’t get the child that falls asleep by 7pm and sleeps for 12 hours?
Behind many pulled down blinds and closed curtains, couples curl up with cups of tea, whilst others argue and wonder where the romance went? Some people sit completely alone and content to be so, others are so lonely and spend their time wondering how they can change their circumstances. Perhaps an elderly lady misses her husband who passed away years ago, and her children have their own lives now, too busy to drop by? Behind another door a woman is telling her boyfriend that they are finally pregnant, whilst next door to them a young man grieves for his girlfriend who just broke his heart.
Some homes may be filled with music, others may be filled with couples sitting together, yet both on their phones living seperate realities. Whatever it is that is happening in your home, your neighbours homes, and the homes of people on the other side of the globe, one thing is for sure, we all want to live our best life. We all want to feel accepted, needed and loved. We all want to fall asleep without the negative voices in our mind. We all want to feel safe.
How you choose to spend your evenings is up to you, I can not say there is a right and a wrong way, well I guess there is a right way . . . and that is to spend it in the way that brings you the greatest sense of happiness and peace. For some that is reading a book, or soaking in the tub. For others it is playing a sport with friends, perhaps a late evening surf, or eating a delicious dinner? Some prefer a Netflix binge, others may attend a yoga class, or walk their dog. If you are not someone who works of an evening then take advantage of these precious few hours before you head to bed. Do what you enjoy, unwind and get rid of any negative energy from the day, this will help ensure a good sleep, which in tun flows into a better tomorrow.
We often let our evenings just pass us by without giving thought to how precious this time is to our overall health and well being. We are living in stressful times, switched on almost all the time. We work long hours, spend way too much time staring at screens, it is no wonder the rates of mental and physical health issues are on the rise. Evenings are precious and we need to treat them as so. Take some time to think about what would make you happier and more satisfied with your evenings? Even if you can not achieve all you want, try and incorporate one nice thing into your evenings. It may be listening to some music, putting on some lovely face, or hand cream, meditation before going to bed, or reading for ten minutes before you go to sleep. It doesn’t have to be huge things, but if you begin to adjust your nightly routine to include something you enjoy, it will make a huge difference to not only you evening, and your sleep quality, it will make the following day better too.
Do you have an evening routine? Something you could share on how to get a better sleep? Feel free to share any tips in the comments section.
Thanks for reading, love Kylie xx
Beautiful post. Love how you’ve captured all the things that could be going on behind closed doors. The evening can be a precious time and I do like to grab some me time if I can, even if it’s just a few minutes. These days though I often fall asleep as soon as the children are both asleep! #ablogginggoodtime
Great post. You’re right, time on an evening should be time to recharge. We often really don’t rest once we are at home. #ABloggingGoodTime
I work evenings! So the morning is my time … and blogging is one of those things I do to get down time! Great post #ablogginggoodtime
Lovely post and defiantly perfer chilling in the evenings and time to wind down X #ablogginggoodtime
I love our evenings. The peace to be a couple for a couple of hours, rather than a mum and dad is precious. #ablogginggoodtime
I love my evenings! My hubby comes home from work, we have a glass of wine and talk about our days, have a little dinner and just kick back and relax. I read a little bit before bed, which I love to do. Of course, if grandchildren are visiting, all of that goes out the window! 🙂
Your write beautifully painting pictures with your words. Write a novel or six please! Your post reminded me of a song my late mum used to play “Nobody knows what goes on behind closed doors” by Rita Coolidge I think. I struggle with evenings because I like to chat but my OH likes to watch telly and does not really like us to talk when the telly is on which it always is in the evenings. So I get irritable and that does not make for happy evenings sometimes. I have learned recently that I need to take charge of my own happiness so am doing things like reading, listening to music and having a candle lit which makes me feel better. In the New Year, I want to try to take up a new creative hobby, to think about writing that novel and/or refining my blog. I keep thinking of returning to learning too. Food for thought generally and your post has prompted yet more reflecting. Really not sure where I want my future to be right now but think it is essential that we all take charge of our own wellbeing as nobody however nice can do it for us sadly #ABloggingGoodTime
I just try to chill out as much as possible after a day at work. There’s always chores to do though! #ablogginggoodtime
I think our evening routine has become one of snuggling up with those we love in front of the tv. #ablogginggoodtime
Annoyingly my evenings are often spent working and my nights are filled with a little one who won’t sleep. Other than don’t have children (lol) I have no advice on how to get a good nights sleep!
What a brilliant and beautifully written post, Mac. Our routine is finally becoming just that, routine. We all eat dinner together, an important time for our family to catch up, break bread and go over our day with each other. Then we clean up, have quiet time all reading, together. Prep for the morning and do it all again. Friday nights are special since it is family movie night! A Netflix fiesta for us all to take time enjoying fun things. If it is still daylight (which it is not now-boo) we have an after-dinner family walk with Gatsby. Some time on the front porch, chatting with neighbors. Then Saturdays, we are off to Nona’s for fun times together with her. Lovely post xoxo #ablogginggoodtime xoxo
I absolutely love this post!! You’re right we take free time for granted , I am going to use your blog as inspiration to really make these evenings count in their own special way!!
Congratulations someone loved this post so much they added it to our #blogcrush linky
Back at you with more blogger love, from #blogcrush xoxo
This is too true. I know I’m guilty of spending way too much time staring at screens and not living in the moment, especially as I’m winding down at night. Thank you for the reminder!
I love this Mac. It’s so true that you never truly know what goes on behind closed doors, and how we can help to get rid of that negative pent-up energy. For me, switching off with a book and maybe some reiki/meditation works wonders. And thanks for linking to #AllSortsofBlogs
sounds perfect! Meditation before bed really helps me!
It’s funny that you write about this Mac because it has been on my mind a lot recently – my ever racing mind. Which is precisely what I have been thinking about, which is that I spend too much of my evening running around doing banal housework instead of sitting down and spending more time with my girls before they go to bed. It really gets to me at times and I often have to try and remind myself to stop, that the chores can wait. So that is going to be my concentrated effort, to make sure that I sit with my daughters more often and do something with them like read a story to them or play a board game. I know this will make me happier! #blogcrush
Another thought-provoking and beautiful post, Mackenzie! One of the few parenting tips my mum made a point of giving me was “Make the most of your evenings because they’re quickly gone.” We have been lucky in that our girls are good sleepers, but I know it will not be long until they are grown and will want to stay up later, and our quiet few hours of just hubby and myself will be missed. It’s important to make the most of the opportunities we have.
And congratulations on being added to the BlogCrush linky again! Feel free to pop over and collect your “I’ve been featured” blog badge #blogcrush
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