Are you speaking the wrong language? Are you using sweeping statements that are stopping good things from flowing into your life? Think about it, is the way you are thinking and speaking to yourself and others stopping you from achieving goals or preventing happiness in your everyday life? 


Let’s start with the word HATE! Anytime you speak, think or hear this word you automatically get a negative response. When you say, I hate that, or I hate him/her you leave no room for positivity. You fill the box with nothing but hate, and this stops you from allowing joy to flow in your life. 


What about when you say “I CAN”T“? When you say ‘I can’t’ you again block out any positivity, you leave no room in your thoughts or your mind for the possibility that “you can”. The minute you tell yourself that something is unachievable you don’t even begin to try. What if you actually said “that may be possible if I try”? Wouldn’t that send your brain the message that it is possible, that maybe you can in fact do something you thought you couldn’t? 

You need to be aware of these sweeping negative words and sayings. They are the words that are going to hold you back from finding happiness or achieving goals. What if I said “I can’t write”? Then I would never have tried and I would have missed out on a huge part of what brings me daily peace and happiness and deep personal fulfilment.

There are other statements too like saying “I’m right” which blocks you from seeing anything from another point of view, which sadly means you can miss out on seeing the world through the magic of someone else’s eyes. Sometimes stopping and listening can bring such new wonder into our world. Don’t assume you are always right and someone else is wrong. Leave your mind open to new possibilities and points of view. 

There are so many words in our vocabulary that block us from growing and experiencing the variety and richness of life. Next time you go to say “I hate something” or “I can’t do that”, stop and think whether you are speaking the right language to bring peace and fulfilment into your life.

Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx
