“Peace begins with a smile”

Mother Teresa

Such a simple quote, yet sometimes simple words, or simple actions can say more than a thousand words can ever express. 

 Sometimes the most simple actions are all you need to begin with.


You smile at someone and you change their day. A smile makes someone feel like they have been noticed, that they are not invisible, that they matter. Imagine how a simple smile can make someone smile at someone else, and then that person smiles at someone else, and then imagine how many people you have actually made smile that day! Pretty amazing if you stop and think about it.

Today is the 21st of September, it is the International Day of Peace. 


I think it is the perfect day to smile at as many people as you can, to be as kind and thoughtful to as many people as you can. I also think that starting with loving yourself is the perfect place to start. Smile at yourself in the mirror, know that you matter, and what you do today, the way your carry yourself, the way you treat yourself and others really matters, and really makes a difference to the world we live in.


Ask yourself what you can do today to make yourself happy?

Ask yourself what you can do today to make someone else feel like they matter?

Know that you are capable of more than you imagined, and know that you matter, that you are not invisible, and you can make a positive difference to our world.

What will you do today?

Thank you for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


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