
Christmas time is fast approaching, and things are a little different for us this year. My eldest is 12 and it was time to have ‘the chat’ about Santa a little while ago. I knew that she knew deep down that Santa wasn’t real, but she is quite young at heart and wasn’t wanting the dream to end. I figured I had two choices, I could go on pretending that I didn’t know that she knew, or I could just sit down and discuss it with her.

It didn’t go so well, she was not impressed with me! Aspen is very young at heart, she doesn’t want to grow up. In many ways this is a blessing, she is not talking about boys non stop like a lot of her friends, or wanting to wear make up (though I let her wear a little for her grade 6 graduation party). She is not even really into fashion, and she is more than happy to hang out with her younger siblings. But in other ways it is tough that she doesn’t want to grow up. It makes her less accepting of body changes that whether she likes it or not are going to happen.

It took her a couple of days to really come around to the positives of knowing that mummy and daddy buy the gifts, which basically is that she can go shopping and have more of a say in what she would like. We were out and about the other day and picked up a few gifts for her siblings, she was super excited that it was ‘our secret’!

I think in the end it worked out for the best that we were able to have an open chat about it, and also discuss more about all the good things that growing up brings. Growing up is a complicated and confusing time, feeling torn between being a little child, and yet somehow being expected to act more grown up and let go of childhood fantasies before you may feel ready to.

Remembering the days where all she wanted was to be a mermaid.


Wanting to be like Ariel from the Little Mermaid was the whole reason she grew her hair long.

Here is a pic go her hair for her Graduation. 


Lately with her Spinal issues and all the pain she is in, I started to doubt myself again, right now with all she is going through should I have let her have that childhood magic for longer?

I think all we can do as parents is keep the communication lines open and remember that they need our support, and our patience. Do you have any tips to share about raising a tween? When did your children find out Santa is not real? 

Thanks for joining me, love Mac xx

I recently posted about how to teach our children about Equality.

You may also enjoy my post on helping manage pain through positivity.

When the Storm Comes, a post about when life events seem to all pile on top of each other.

Take a look at our Video of Aspen and her little sister April answering the 16 Random Question Tag

Hang on a minute! I NEED HELP!


Two Tiny Hands