10 things you can do everyday to improve you mood and your outlook on life


  1. Share a meal with someone each day. It can be breakfast, lunch or dinner. Sit at the same table, chat and enjoy your meal and the interaction with another person.
  2. Give someone a genuine compliment.
  3. Stop trying to do everything perfectly, just do something.
  4. Go to bed before you become overtired.
  5. Walk somewhere, even if it’s a ten minute walk, getting active will improve your mood.
  6. Make your bed, not perfectly, just make it.
  7. Smile at someone.
  8. Ask yourself “What Am I Grateful For Today?”
  9. Acknowledge how amazing your body is and all it achieves each day.
  10. Wear clothes that make you feel comfortable, confident and reflect your personality.

Try completing this list for the next couple of weeks and see if you feel more positive! 


Thanks for joining me, love Mackenzie xx


You may enjoy my post inner beauty glows for more on giving compliments.

Check out what I got up to last weekend